On April 28, 2021, the State Construction Control Bureau of Latvia officially accepted the Valka city part of newly built Valga – Valka Twin Town Centre. Valga city part of the centre was accepted on February 3, 2021. Thus, one of the main activities of the INTERREG Estonia – Latvia programme 2014 – 2020 project “Valga ...
On August 11th, the concrete deck slab of the new pedestrian bridge was placed on the Valga-Valka common central square. It took a total of 14 cubic meters of concrete. Another stage in the completion of the public urban space was acknowledged by Valga rural municipality mayor Ester Karuse and Valka parish council chairman Vents Armands ...
Yesterday, on June 11th, as part of the Valga-Valka twin town festival, a memorial time capsule with a message for future generations was solemnly placed in the new common central square of Valga and Valka. "The project is very important for Valga - Valka, which is one city in two states, because historically it is one city that ...
Construction works of Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre began in the 16th of March. During the construction works will be renewed and developed a new common public city space, covering the central area of both cities and the pedestrian street which connects two towns. The aim is to create a cozy and unique public space for the city's residents ...
In March, construction of the ValgaValka common city center will begin. In this context, traffic management on Riga, Raja and Sepa streets will change. In addition, the Ramsi Bridge and Sõpruse Street for pedestrians will be closed for traffic. People living in the area will be given access to their homes and daily access to ...
This week the dismantling of 2 buildings within project „Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre Development” started – old market building (Riga street 7A) and former border crossing building (Rigas street 1) The construction works are performed by Estonian construction company AS TREV-2 Grupp, total contract price 4 915 899,45 ...
The tripartite construction contract for the Valga-Valka Twin Town Center development project between Valga Municipality Government, Valka Municipality Council and the construction company AS TREV-2 Grupp was ceremonially signed today in Valga Town Hall. During the project a common public space, covering both the historic downtown ...
On Monday, December 9th in Valga Visitor Center a tripartite contract will be signed between Valga Municipality Government, Valka Municipality Council and the construction company AS “TREV-2 Grupp” regarding the commencement of construction work of the “Valga – Valka Twin Town Centre Development” project. During ...
With the support of the Estonia-Latvia program, the city centre of the Valga-Valka twin town is being developed. The main goal is to create an attractive and human-friendly solution for the common public space of the Valga-Valka twin town center, including the pedestrian street. As a result of the project, Valga-Valka residents and visitors ...
On the beginning of May, 2019 Valga Municipality Government announced the Building tender of project Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre Development. To get best technical and economical solution common building tender for Valga and Valka territories is organized. More information about building tender you could find https://riigihanked.riik.ee/rhr-web/#/procurement/1560316/general-info ...
On Friday, September 14, 2018 representatives of the Valga Municipality Government and the Valka Municipality together with the staff of the both cities tourism information centre had a meeting in the Valga Railway Station to discuss together the issues related to the development project of the Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre. The main ...
On Friday 1th of June a communication and marketing meeting was held by Valga and Valka representatives to talk about the marketing activities of Valga/Valka Twin Town Centre Development Project. The participants discussed the main marketing goals set in the Project and necessary activities to reach them. The following steps of communication ...
Valka Municipality Council, in cooperation with Valga Municipality Government, is implementing the project called “Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre Development” (Est-Lat 51) within the INTERREG Estonian-Latvian cross-border cooperation program 2014-2020. The design work of the Valga-Valka Center and pedestrian streets is carried ...
The main objective of the Project is to improve physical connectivity and create new joint and integrated cross-border urban area in the Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre. As a result of the Project Valga-Valka will be promoted as a joint town, integration of communities across the borders will be encouraged and there ...
On Thursday 18.05.2017 in Latvia Valka took place a meeting regarding the INTERREG Estonia – Latvia programme 2014-2020 project „Valga-Valka Twin Town Centre Development“ where the main focus were introducing the preliminary sketch of project solution. Meeting agenda included all together three topics: introducing preliminary design, ...