Border light
http://www.estlatrus.eu/ http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en.htm Priority 3         Promotion from people to people cooperation Measure 3.2    Cooperation in sphere of culture, sport, education, social and health Short summary of the project In municipalities of Valka (LV) and Gatchina (RUS) many years work amateur theaters, due to which big international festivals take place in cities. Valka amateur theater and Gatchina experimental theater in their duration have staged plays of many famous dramatists that have educated and gave joy to audience. The popularization of Russian dramatist works and improvement of quality of staging are needed to develop theatres’ activities and provide success. Jointly staged plays are planned to perform, firstly in October of 2012 in festival “Avant-guard and traditions” (Gatchina, Russia) and July of 2013 in festival “Tālvils” (Valka, Latvia), secondly in other theater festivals. To improve theater work both, theater directors and actors need extra knowledge. Therefore within project framework training seminars are planned. External experts will be cinematographs and theatre specialists invited from Latvia and Russia. Improvement of intermediate culture relations between Latvia and Russia through organizing educational, cultural events, exchange of experience trips will be implemented within the project. Overall objective Improvement of intermediate culture relations between Latvia and Russia. Specific objective Improve artistry of Valka amateur theater and Gatchina experimental theater actors, by organizing 6 training seminaries; Stage 2 Russian dramatist plays; Organize 2 theater festivals; Organize 6 training seminaries and 4 exchange of experience trips; Publish book about amateur theaters; Provide sound and light equipment to ensure qualitative performances.   Beneficiary   Valka Municipality Council (Latvia)   Partners Gatchina City Administration (Leningradskaya oblast, Russia) Expected results Developed good model of cooperation and friendship between Valka Municipality Council and Gatchina City Administration. Staged two plays would be performed in theater festivals in each partner town (inhabitants plus theater festival quests from other countries will be informed about the staged plays); Published 1200 books about amateur theater will be as representative material for Valka Municipality Council and Valka City amateur theater and will be distributed on exchange of experience trips, on theater festivals etc. only as gifts. Books will be distributed to each partner museums and libraries; Organized two festivals - VIII International festival of amateur theaters and theater studios "Avant-guard and traditions" in Gatchina (Russia) and X international theater festival "Tālvils" in Valka (Latvia). Purchased sound and light equipment for Gatchina theater hall "Round the corner" and Valka amateur theater attempt room; Achieved experience for Valka and Gatchina art school pedagogues and students. Organized 2 exchanges of experience trips for 9 pedagogues from art school of Gatchina and 8 pedagogues from Valka art school; Improved proficiency of Valka amateur theater and Gatchina experimental theater actors. Trained 30 theater actors including directors from Valka amateur theater and Gatchina experimental theater; Informed society about different cultures, mentalities and good cooperation possibilities. Information about training seminaries and exchange of experience trips will be spread in local newspapers, to news agencies, internet portals.   Final beneficiaries 12 Valka (Latvia) amateur theater participants, 9 Gatchina (Russia) experimental theater participants and directors Valka and Gatchina art schools pedagogues and students Inhabitants of Valka and Gatchina.   Duration 18 months Budget Total budget: 161 602,00 EUR Programme co-financing: 145 441,80 EUR (90%)                                                                                   Project co-financing: 16 160,20 EUR (10%) Contact Person Ms. Gunta Smane, gunta[punkts]smane[uz]valka[punkts]lv/+371 26463408
Projekta „Border light” partneru pašvaldības – Gatčinas delegācijas vizīte Valkā
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